Publications of M Barth
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Journal Article (2)
Journal Article
5 (2), e9217 (2010)
Circadian Plasticity in Photoreceptor Cells Controls Visual Coding Efficiency in Drosophila melanogaster. PLoS One 2.
Journal Article
85 (1), pp. 184 - 194 (1999)
Experience-dependent development of the adult optic lobe and central brain in Drosophila melanogaster. Fiziologičeskij žurnal SSSR imeni I.M. Sečenova Book Chapter (1)
Book Chapter
1, 2. ed. Ed., pp. 1347 - 1353 (Ed. Capinera, J.). Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands (2008)
Environmental Influences on Behavioral Development in Insects. In: Encyclopedia of Entomology, Vol.