Publications of N Görnitz
All genres
Journal Article (1)
Journal Article
30 (9), pp. 1300 - 1301 (2014)
Oqtans: the RNA-seq workbench in the cloud for complete and reproducible quantitative transcriptome analysis. Bioinformatics Conference Paper (2)
Conference Paper
Efficient Training of Graph-Regularized Multitask SVMs. In: Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases European Conference, ECML PKDD 2012, pp. 633 - 647 (Eds. Flach, P.; De Bie, T.; Cristianini, N.). European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2012), Bristol, UK, September 24, 2012 - September 28, 2012. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2012)
Conference Paper
Hierarchical Multitask Structured Output Learning for Large-scale Sequence Segmentation. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24, pp. 2690 - 2698 (Eds. Shawe-Taylor, J.; Zemel, R.; Bartlett, P.; Pereira , F.; Weinberger, K.). 25th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2011), Granada, Spain, December 12, 2011 - December 14, 2011. Curran, Red Hook, NY, USA (2012)
Meeting Abstract (3)
Meeting Abstract
15 (Supplement 13), A7. Ninth International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) Student Council Symposium 2013, Berlin, Germany, July 19, 2013. BioMed Central (2014)
Oqtans: a multifunctional workbench for RNA-seq data analysis. In BMC Bioinformatics, 5.
Meeting Abstract
Easier Workflows & Tool Comparison with Oqtans+. In Galaxy Community Conference 2012 (GCC 2012). Galaxy Community Conference 2012 (GCC 2012), Chacago, IL, USA, July 25, 2012 - July 27, 2012. (2012)
Meeting Abstract
12 (Supplement 11), A7. Seventh International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) Student Council Symposium 2011 at ISMB/ECCB 2011, Wien, Austria, July 15, 2011. BioMed Central (2011)
Oqtans: a Galaxy-integrated workflow for quantitative transcriptome analysis from NGS Data. In BMC Bioinformatics, Poster (2)
mTIM: A Margin-based Transcript Identification Method. Ninth International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) Student Council Symposium 2013, Berlin, Germany (2014)
Oqtans: a multifunctional workbench for RNA-seq data analysis. 14th Annual Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC 2013), Berlin, Germany (2013)
Preprint (1)
mTim: rapid and accurate transcript reconstruction from RNA-Seq data. (submitted)