Publications of K Tsuda

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Georgii, E.; Tsuda, K.; Schölkopf, B.: Multi-way set enumeration in weight tensors. Machine Learning 82 (2), pp. 123 - 155 (2011)
Journal Article
Georgii, E.; Dietmann, S.; Uno, T.; Pagel , P.; Tsuda, K.: Enumeration of condition-dependent dense modules in protein interaction networks. Bioinformatics 25 (7), pp. 933 - 940 (2009)
Journal Article
Tsuda, K.; Kawanabe, M.; Rätsch, G.; Sonnenburg, S.; Müller, K.: A New Discriminative Kernel from Probabilistic Models. Neural computation 14 (10), pp. 2397 - 2414 (2002)

Proceedings (2)

Chechik, G.; Leslie, C.; Noble, W.; Rätsch, G.; Morris, Q.; Tsuda, K. (Eds.): NIPS Workshop on New Problems and Methods in Computational Biology (BMC Bioinformatics, 8). NIPS Workshop on New Problems and Methods in Computational Biology 2006, Whistler, Canada, December 08, 2006. (2007)
Chechik, G.; Leslie, C.; Rätsch, G.; Tsuda, K. (Eds.): NIPS Workshop on New Problems and Methods in Computational Biology (BMC Bioinformatics, 7). NIPS Workshop on New Problems and Methods in Computational Biology 2004, Whistler, Canada, December 08, 2004. (2006)

Conference Paper (3)

Conference Paper
Tsuda, K.; Georgii, E.: Dense module enumeration in biological networks. International Workshop on Statistical-Mechanical Informatics (IW-SMI 2009), Kyoto, Japan, September 13, 2009 - September 16, 2009. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 197 (1), 012012, (2009)
Conference Paper
Georgii, E.; Tsuda, K.; Schölkopf, B.: Multi-way set enumeration in real-valued tensors. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Data Mining using Matrices and Tensors (DMMT 2009), pp. 32 - 41 (Eds. Ding, T.; Li, C.). KDD 2009 Workshop on Data Mining using Matrices and Tensors, Paris, France, June 28, 2009. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA (2009)
Conference Paper
Chechik, G.; Leslie, C.; Noble, W.; Rätsch, G.; Morris, Q.; Tsuda, K.: Machine Learning in Computational Biology. In: NIPS 2007 Workshop: Machine Learning in Computational Biology (MLCB 2007), pp. 22 - 23. NIPS 2007 Workshop: Machine Learning in Computational Biology (MLCB 2007), Whistler, Canada, December 07, 2007 - December 08, 2007. (2007)

Poster (1)

Georgii, E.; Dietmann, S.; Uno, T.; Pagel, P.; Tsuda, K.: Mining expression-dependent modules in the human interaction network. Third International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB), Student Council Symposium at the Fifteenth Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), Wien, Austria (2007)
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