Publications of M Almuedo-Castillo
All genres
Journal Article (2)
Journal Article
11, e66397 (2022)
Regulation of Nodal signaling propagation by receptor interactions and positive feedback. eLife 2.
Journal Article
20 (9), pp. 1032 - 1042 (2018)
Scale-invariant patterning by size-dependent inhibition of Nodal signalling. Nature Cell Biology Poster (2)
WNT5-ROR2 and SLIT-ROBO-c signals generate a mutually dependent system toposition the CNS along the medio-lateral axis in planarians. XXIV Jornada de Biologia Molecular, Barcelona, Spain (2017)
WNT5-ROR and Slit-ROBOc signals generate a mutually dependent system to position the cns along the medio-lateral axis in planarians. 11th Meeting Spanish Society for Developmental Biology (SEBD 2016), Girona, Spain (2016)