Publications of D Evseeva

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Evseeva, D.; Pecrix, Y.; Poussier, S.; Wicker, E.; Kucka, M.; Chan, F.; Gopalan-Nair, R.; McCann, H.: Diversification of two-partner secretion systems in the bacterial plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum. In 3rd International Conference Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections (CMFI 2023), FT 19, p. 14. 3rd International Conference Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections (CMFI 2023), Tübingen, Germany, October 11, 2023 - October 13, 2023. (2023)

Poster (1)

Evseeva, D.; Pecrix, Y.; Poussier, S.; Wicker, E.; Kucka, M.; Chan, Y.; McCann, H.: Emergence and Evolution of a Novel Lineage of Ralstonia Solanacearum with Expanded Host Range. 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP 2023), Lyon, France (2023)

Preprint (1)

Evseeva, D.; Pecrix, Y.; Kucka, M.; Weiler, C.; Franzl, C.; Vlková-Žlebková, M.; Colombi, E.; Chan, Y.; Poussier, S.; Wicker, E. et al.; McCann, H.: Emergence and host range expansion of an epidemic lineage of Ralstonia solanacearum. (submitted)
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