Publications of FC Jones

Journal Article (37)

Journal Article
Venu, V.; Harjunmaa, E.; Dreau, A.; Brady, S.; Absher, D.; Kingsley, D.; Jones, F.: Fine-scale contemporary recombination variation and its fitness consequences in adaptively diverging stickleback fish. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8 (7), pp. 1337 - 1352 (2024)
Journal Article
Dean, L.; Whiting, J.; Jones, F.; Maccoll, A.: Reproductive isolation in a three-way contact zone. Molecular Ecology 33 (5), e17275 (2024)
Journal Article
Laine, J.; Mak, S.; Martins, N.; Chen, X.; Gilbert, M.; Jones, F.; Winther Pedersen, M.; Romundset, A.; Foote, A.: Late Pleistocene stickleback environmental genomes reveal the chronology of freshwater adaptation. Current Biology 34 (5), pp. 1142 - 1147 (2024)
Journal Article
Čapek, D.; Safroshkin, M.; Morales-Navarrete, H.; Toulany, N.; Arutyunov, G.; Kurzbach, A.; Bihler, J.; Hagauer, J.; Kick, S.; Jones, F. et al.; Jordan, B.; Müller, P.: EmbryoNet: using deep learning to link embryonic phenotypes to signaling pathways. Nature Methods 20 (6), pp. 815 - 823 (2023)
Journal Article
Marques, D.; Jones, F.; Di Palma, F.; Kingsley, D.; Reimchen, T.: Genomic changes underlying repeated niche shifts in an adaptive radiation. Evolution: international journal of organic evolution 76 (6), pp. 1301 - 1319 (2022)
Journal Article
Roberts Kingman, G.; Vyas, D.; Jones, F.; Brady, S.; Chen, H.; Reid, K.; Milhaven, M.; Bertino , T.; Aguirre, W.; Heins, D. et al.; von Hippel, F.; Kirch, M.; Absher, D.; Myers, R.; Di Palma, F.; Bell, M.; Kingsley, D.; Veeramah, K.: Predicting future from past: The genomic basis of recurrent and rapid stickleback evolution. Science Advances 7 (25), eabg5285 (2021)
Journal Article
Kirch, M.; Romundset, A.; Gilbert, M.; Jones, F.; Foote, A.: Ancient and modern stickleback genomes reveal the demographic constraints on adaptation. Current Biology 31 (9), pp. 2027 - 2036 (2021)
Journal Article
Roberts Kingman, G.; Lee, D.; Jones, F.; Desmet, D.; Bell, M.; Kingsley, D.: Longer or shorter spines: Reciprocal trait evolution in stickleback via triallelic regulatory changes in Stanniocalcin2a. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (31), e2100694118 (2021)
Journal Article
Schluter, D.; Marchinko, K.; Arnegard, M.; Zhang, H.; Brady, S.; Jones, F.; Bell, M.; Kingsley, D.: Fitness maps to a large-effect locus in introduced stickleback populations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (3), e1914889118 (2021)
Journal Article
Verta, J.-P.; Jones, F.: mRNA Extraction from Gill Tissue for RNA-sequencing. Bio-protocol 10 (5), e3539 (2020)
Journal Article
Dréau, A.; Venu, V.; Avdievich, E.; Gaspar, L.; Jones, F.: Genome-wide recombination map construction from single individuals using linked-read sequencing. Nature Communications 10 (1), 4309 (2019)
Journal Article
Verta, J.-P.; Jones, F.: Predominance of cis-regulatory changes in parallel expression divergence of sticklebacks. eLife 8, e43785 (2019)
Journal Article
Marques, D.; Jones, F.; Di Palma, F.; Kingsley, D.; Reimchen, T.: Experimental evidence for rapid genomic adaptation to a new niche in an adaptive radiation. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (7), pp. 1128 - 1138 (2018)
Journal Article
Lowe, C.; Sanchez-Luege, N.; Howes, T.; Brady, S.; Daugherty, R.; Jones, F.; Bell, M.; Kingsley, D.: Corrigendum: Detecting differential copy number variation between groups of samples. Genome Research 28 (5), p. 766 (2018)
Journal Article
Lowe, C.; Sanchez-Luege, N.; Howes, T.; Brady, S.; Daugherty, R.; Jones, F.; Bell, M.; Kingsley, D.: Detecting differential copy number variation between groups of samples. Genome Research 28 (2), pp. 256 - 265 (2018)
Journal Article
Bay, R.; Arnegard, M.; Conte, G.; Best, J.; Bedford, N.; McCann, S.; Dubin, M.; Chan, Y.; Jones, F.; Kingsley, D. et al.; Schluter, D.; Peichel, C.: Genetic coupling of female mate choice with polygenic ecological divergence facilitates stickleback speciation. Current Biology 27 (21), pp. 3344 - 3349 (2017)
Journal Article
Marques, D.; Taylor, J.; Jones, F.; Di Palma, F.; Kingsley, D.; Reimchen, T.: Convergent evolution of SWS2 opsin facilitates adaptive radiation of threespine stickleback into different light environments. PLoS Biology 15 (4), e2001627 (2017)
Journal Article
Indjeian, V.; Kingman, G.; Jones, F.; Guenther, C.; Grimwood, J.; Schmutz, J.; Myers, R.; Kingsley, D.: Evolving New Skeletal Traits by cis-Regulatory Changes in Bone Morphogenetic Proteins. Cell 164 (1-2), pp. 45 - 56 (2016)
Journal Article
Conte, G.; Arnegard, M.; Best, J.; Chan, Y.; Jones, F.; Kingsley, D.; Schluter, D.; Peichel, C.: Extent of QTL Reuse During Repeated Phenotypic Divergence of Sympatric Threespine Stickleback. Genetics 201 (3), pp. 1189 - 1200 (2015)
Journal Article
O'Brown, N.; Summers, B.; Jones, F.; Brady, S.; Kingsley, D.: A recurrent regulatory change underlying altered expression and Wnt response of the stickleback armor plates gene EDA. eLife 4, e05290 (2015)
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