Publications of D Rousova

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Altmannova, V.; Firlej, M.; Mueller, F.; Janning, P.; Rauleder, R.; Rousova, D.; Schaeffler, A.; Bange, T.; Weir, J.: Biochemical characterisation of Mer3 helicase interactions and the protection of meiotic recombination intermediates. Nucleic Acids Research (London) 51 (9), gkad175, pp. 4363 - 4384 (2023)
Journal Article
Kabakci, Z.; Reichle, H.; Lemke, B.; Rousova, D.; Gupta, S.; Weber, J.; Schleiffer, A.; Weir, J.; Lehner, C.: Homologous chromosomes are stably conjoined for Drosophila male meiosis I by SUM, a multimerized protein assembly with modules for DNA-binding and for separase-mediated dissociation co-opted from cohesin. PLoS Genetics 18 (12), e1010547 (2022)
Journal Article
Rousová, D.; Nivsarkar, V.; Altmannova, V.; Raina, V.; Funk, S.; Liedtke, D.; Janning, P.; Müller, F.; Reichle, H.; Vader, G. et al.: Novel mechanistic insights into the role of Mer2 as the keystone of meiotic DNA break formation. eLife 10, e72330 (2021)

Poster (3)

Weir, J.; Altmannova, V.; Rousova, D.; Firlej, M.; Raina, V.; Nivsarkar, V.; Vader, G.: Mes-Mer-ising: Insights into Meiotic Recombination via the Mer2 and Mer3 complexes. Molecular Basis of Life 2022: Fall Meeting of the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Düsseldorf, Germany (2022)
Rousova, D.; Funk, S.; Weir, J.: Mer2 binds directly to nucleosomes and axial proteins as the keystone of meiotic recombination. Cell Bio 2020 Virtual: An Online ASCB|EMBO Meeting (2020)
Rousova, D.; Weir, J.: Control of DNA double-strand break formation in meiosis. 43rd FEBS Congress: Biochemistry Forever, Praha, Czech RepublicIsrael (2018)