Publications of T Brümmendorf

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Bogenschütz, O.; Brümmendorf, T.; Staab, H.; Anderer, F.; Kieninger, G.: Prognostic value of preoperative serum CEA level compared to clinical staging. IV. Histological grading and tumor type in colorectal and gastric cancer. Journal of Surgical Oncology 32 (3), pp. 165 - 173 (1986)
Journal Article
Brümmendorf, T.; Anderer, F.; Staab, H.; Hornung, A.; Kieninger, G.: Die Dopplungszeit des zirkulierenden CEA als individuelles prognostisches Kriterium bei Rezidivierung in Patienten mit gastrointestinalen Karzinomen: CEA time courses as an individual prognostic criterion of disease recurrence in patients with gastrointestinal cancer. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 64 (2), pp. 63 - 69 (1986)
Journal Article
Brümmendorf, T.; Anderer, F.; Staab, H.; Hornung, A.; Kieninger, G.: Carcinoembryonales Antigen: Diagnose der Tumorprogression bei gastrointestinalen Tumoren. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 110 (51-52), pp. 1963 - 1968 (1985)
Journal Article
Brümmendorf, T.; Anderer, F.; Staab, H.; Hornung, A.; Stumpf, E.; Kieninger, G.: Prognostic value of preoperative serum CEA level compared to clinical staging: III. An approach to scoring of prognostic factors in colorectal cancer. Journal of Surgical Oncology 28 (4), pp. 263 - 269 (1985)
Journal Article
Staab, H.; Brümmendorf, T.; Hornung, A.; Anderer, F.; Kieninger, G.: The clinical validity of circulating tumor-associated antigens CEA and CA 19-9 in primary diagnosis and follow-up of patients with gastrointestinal malignancies. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 63 (3), pp. 106 - 115 (1985)
Journal Article
Staab, H.; Brümmendorf, T.; Anderer, F.; Hornung, A.; Ahlemann, L.; Kieninger, G.: Differentiation of disease recurrence in various primary malignancies using CEA slope analysis. Tumor Biology 6 (2), pp. 157 - 171 (1985)
Journal Article
Staab, H.; Anderer, F.; Brümmendorf, T.; Fischer, R.: Prognostic significance of preoperative carcinoembryonic antigen in stomach and colorectal cancer. Cancer Detection and Prevention 6 (1-2), pp. 149 - 153 (1983)
Journal Article
Staab, H.; Anderer, F.; Brümmendorf, T.; Hornung, A.; Fischer, R.: Prognostic value of preoperative serum CEA level compared to clinical staging: II. Stomach cancer. British Journal of Cancer 45 (5), pp. 718 - 727 (1982)
Journal Article
Staab, H.; Anderer, F.; Brümmendorf, T.; Stumpf, E.; Fischer, R.: Prognostic value of preoperative serum CEA level compared to clinical staging. I. Colorectal carcinoma. British Journal of Cancer 44 (5), pp. 652 - 662 (1981)
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