Publications of H-A Reins

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Jungmann, J.; Reins, H.-A.; Lee, J.; Romeo, A.; Hassett, R.; Kosman, D.; Jentsch, S.: MAC1, a nuclear regulatory protein related to Cu-dependent transcription factors is involved in Cu/Fe utilization and stress resistance in yeast. EMBO Journal 12 (13), pp. 5051 - 5056 (1993)
Journal Article
Reins, H.-A.; Steinhilber, G.; Freiberg, B.; Anderer, F.: Anti-epidermal growth factor receptor monoclonal antibodies affecting signal transduction. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 51 (2), pp. 236 - 248 (1993)
Journal Article
Jungmann, J.; Reins, H.-A.; Schobert, C.; Jentsch, S.: Resistance to cadmium mediated by ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. Nature 361 (6410), pp. 379 - 371 (1993)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Jentsch, S.; Heinlein, R.; Jungmann, J.; Reins, H.-A.; Schlenker, S.; Seufert, W.; Sommer, T.; Springer, S.: Selective Proteolysis By the Ubiquitin System. In: Post-transcriptional Control of Gene Expression, pp. 187 - 191 (Eds. Resnekov, O.; Gabain, A.). NATO Advanced Study Institute "Post-transcriptional Control of Gene Expression", Spetsa, Greece, 1992. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1996)
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