Publications of A Authaler
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Journal Article (2)
Journal Article
18 (7), pp. 1915 - 1922 (1999)
MyoD stimulates delta-1 transcription and triggers notch signaling in the Xenopus gastrula. EMBO Journal 2.
Journal Article
202 (2), pp. 280 - 292 (1998)
Temporal restriction of MyoD induction and autocatalysis during Xenopus mesoderm formation. Developmental Biology Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
Screen for mutants defective in membrane deposit during cytokinesis. In Thirteenth International C. elegans Meeting: 2001 International Worm Meeting, 461, p. 461. Thirteenth International C. elegans Meeting: 2001 International Worm Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA, June 22, 2001 - June 26, 2001. (2001)