Publications of D Tautz

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Tautz, D.; Reeves, G.; Pallares, L.: The New (Old) Genetics: Version 2.0. Nova Acta Leopoldina 2020.1 (2023)
Journal Article
Škrabar, N.; Turner, L.; Pallares, L.; Harr, B.; Tautz, D.: Using the Mus musculus hybrid zone to assess covariation and genetic architecture of limb bone lengths. Molecular Ecology Resources 18 (4), pp. 908 - 921 (2018)
Journal Article
Pallares, L.; Turner, L.; Tautz, D.: Craniofacial shape transition across the house mouse hybrid zone: implications for the genetic architecture and evolution of between-species differences. Development Genes and Evolution 226 (3), pp. 173 - 186 (2016)
Journal Article
Pallares, L.; Carbonetto, P.; Gopalakrishnan, S.; Parker, C.; Ackert-Bicknell, C.; Palmer, A.; Tautz, D.: Mapping of craniofacial traits in outbred mice identifies major developmental genes involved in shape determination. PLoS Genetics 11 (11), e1005607 (2015)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Chan, Y.; Jones, E.; Renaud, S.; Reed, F.; Tautz, D.: Complex inter-subspecific hybridization and adaptation in an island population of house mice. In 105th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG 2012), R 513, p. 243. 105th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG 2012), Konstanz, Germany, September 21, 2012 - September 24, 2012. (2012)
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