Publikationen von P Drewe

Zeitschriftenartikel (8)

Dubin, M.; Zhang, P.; Meng, D.; Remigereau, M.-S.; Osborne, E.; Casale, F.; Drewe, P.; Kahles, A.; Jean, G.; Vilhjálmsson, B. et al.; Jagoda, J.; Irez, S.; Voronin, V.; Song, Q.; Long, Q.; Rätsch, G.; Stegle, O.; Clark, R.; Nordborg, M.: DNA methylation in Arabidopsis has a genetic basis and shows evidence of local adaptation. eLife 4, e05255 (2015)
Sreedharan, V.; Schultheiss, S.; Jean, G.; Kahles, A.; Bohnert, R.; Drewe, P.; Mudrakarta, P.; Görnitz, N.; Zeller, G.; Rätsch, G.: Oqtans: the RNA-seq workbench in the cloud for complete and reproducible quantitative transcriptome analysis. Bioinformatics 30 (9), S. 1300 - 1301 (2014)
Heinrich, S.; Geissen, E.-M.; Kamenz, J.; Trautmann, S.; Widmer, C.; Drewe, P.; Knop, M.; Radde, N.; Hasenauer, J.; Hauf, S.: Determinants of robustness in spindle assembly checkpoint signalling. Nature Cell Biology 15 (11), S. 1328 - 1339 (2013)
Behr, J.; Kahles, A.; Zhong, Y.; Sreedharan, V.; Drewe, P.; Rätsch, G.: MITIE: Simultaneous RNA-Seq-based transcript identification and quantification in multiple samples. Bioinformatics 29 (20), S. 2529 - 2538 (2013)
Drewe, P.; Stegle, O.; Hartmann, L.; Kahles, A.; Bohnert, R.; Wachter, A.; Borgwardt, K.; Rätsch, G.: Accurate detection of differential RNA processing. Nucleic Acids Research 41 (10), S. 5189 - 5198 (2013)
Smith, L.; Hartmann, L.; Drewe, P.; Bohnert, R.; Kahles, A.; Lanz, C.; Rätsch, G.: Multiple insert size paired-end sequencing for deconvolution of complex transcriptomes. RNA Biology 9 (5), S. 596 - 609 (2012)
Gan, X.; Stegle, O.; Behr, J.; Steffen, J.; Drewe, P.; Hildebrand, K.; Lyngsoe , R.; Schultheiss, S.; Osborne, E.; Sreedharan, V. et al.; Kahles, A.; Bohnert, R.; Jean, G.; Derwent, P.; Kersey, P.; Belfield, E.; Harberd, N.; Kemen, F.; Toomajian, C.; Kover , P.; Clark, R.; Rätsch, G.; Mott, R.: Multiple reference genomes and transcriptomes for Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature 477 (7365), S. 419 - 423 (2011)
Stegle, O.; Drewe, P.; Bohnert, R.; Borgwardt, K.; Rätsch, G.: Statistical Tests for Detecting Differential RNA-Transcript Expression from Read Counts. Nature Precedings 2010 (2010)

Meeting Abstract (6)

Meeting Abstract
Sreedharan, V.; Schultheiss, S.; Jean, G.; Kahles, A.; Bohnert, R.; Drewe, P.; Mudrakarta, P.; Görnitz, N.; Zeller, G.; Rätsch, G.: Oqtans: a multifunctional workbench for RNA-seq data analysis. In BMC Bioinformatics, 15 (Supplement 13), A7. Ninth International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) Student Council Symposium 2013, Berlin, Germany, 19. Juli 2013. BioMed Central (2014)
Meeting Abstract
Hauf, S.; Heinrich, S.; Geissen, E.-M.; Trautmann, S.; Kamenz, J.; Widmer, C.; Drewe, P.; Knop, N.; Radde, N.; Hasenauer, J.: Determinants for robustness in spindle assembly checkpoint signaling. In EMBO Conference on Fission Yeast: pombe 2013: 7th International Fission Yeast Meeting, Talk 59, S. 85. EMBO Conference on Fission Yeast: pombe 2013: 7th International Fission Yeast Meeting, London, UK, 24. Juni 2013 - 29. Juni 2013. (2013)
Meeting Abstract
Schultheiss, S.; Jean, G.; Sreedharan, V.; Kahles, A.; Bohnert, R.; Drewe, P.; Mudrakarta, P.; Görnitz, N.; Zeller, G.; Rätsch, G.: Easier Workflows & Tool Comparison with Oqtans+. In Galaxy Community Conference 2012 (GCC 2012). Galaxy Community Conference 2012 (GCC 2012), Chacago, IL, USA, 25. Juli 2012 - 27. Juli 2012. (2012)
Meeting Abstract
Schultheiss, S.; Jean, G.; Behr, J.; Bohnert, R.; Drewe, P.; Görnitz, N.; Kahles, A.; Mudrakarta, P.; Sreedharan, V.; Zeller, G. et al.; Rätsch, G.: Oqtans: a Galaxy-integrated workflow for quantitative transcriptome analysis from NGS Data. In BMC Bioinformatics, 12 (Supplement 11), A7. Seventh International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) Student Council Symposium 2011 at ISMB/ECCB 2011, Wien, Austria, 15. Juli 2011. BioMed Central (2011)
Meeting Abstract
Behr, J.; Clark, J.; Drewe, P.; Hildebrand, K.; Kover, P.; Lyngsoe, R.; Mott, E.; Osborne, R.; Rätsch, G.; Schultheiss, S. et al.; Sreedharan, V.; Steffen, J.; Stegle, O.; Toomajian, C.; Xiangchao, G.: Multiple reference genomes and transcriptomes for Arabidopsis thaliana. In HiTSeq 2011: Conference on High Throughput Sequencing Analysis and Algorithms, S. 22. HiTSeq 2011: Conference on High Throughput Sequencing Analysis and Algorithms, Wien, Austria, 15. Juli 2011 - 16. Juli 2011. (2011)
Meeting Abstract
Gan, X.; Behr, J.; Steffen, J.; Hildebrand, K.; Allchin, L.; Goodstadt, L.; Stegle, O.; Drewe, P.; Lyngsoe, R.; Sreedharan, V. et al.; Osborne, E.; Toomajian, C.; Kover, P.; Rätsch, G.; Clark, R.; Mott, R.: Accurate Sequencing of 18 Genomes of Arabidopsis thaliana and Its Use in Imputing the Genome Sequences of Over 600 MAGIC Recombinant Inbred Lines. In 22nd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2011), 22, S. 78. 22nd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2011), Madison, WI, USA, 22. Juni 2011 - 25. Juni 2011. (2011)

Poster (9)

Heinrich, S.; Geissen, E.-M.; Trautmann, S.; Kamenz, J.; Widmer, C.; Drewe, P.; Knop, N.; Radde, N.; Hasenauer, J.; Hauf, S.: Determinants for robustness in spindle assembly checkpoint signaling. 52nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB 2013), New Orleans, LA, USA (2013)
Sreedharan, V.; Schultheiss, S.; Jean, G.; Kahles, A.; Bohnert, R.; Drewe, P.; Mudrakarta, P.; Görnitz, N.; Zeller, G.; Rätsch, G.: Oqtans: a multifunctional workbench for RNA-seq data analysis. 14th Annual Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC 2013), Berlin, Germany (2013)
Rätsch, G.; Gan, X.; Stegle, O.; Behr, J.; Drewe, P.; Drewe, P.; Steffen, J.; Clark, R.; Osborne, E.; Schultheiss, S. et al.; Sreedharan, V.; Kahles, A.; Bohnert, R.; Jean, G.; Hildebrand, K.; Toomajian, C.; Lyngsoe, R.; Derwent, P.; Kersey, P.; Belfield, E.; Harberd, N.; Kemen, E.; Kover, P.: Multiple reference genomes and transcriptomes for Arabidopsis thaliana. 20th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2012), Long Beach, CA, USA (2012)
Drewe, P.; Stegle, O.; Bohnert, R.; Borgwardt, K.: Statistical Tests for Detecting Differential RNA-Transcript Expression from Read Counts. 19th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology and 10th European Conference on Computational Biology (ISMB/ECCB 2011), Wien, Austria (2011)
Drewe, P.; Stegle, O.; Behr, J.; Clark, R.; Rätsch, G.; Mott, R.: Multiple reference genomes and transcriptomes for Arabidopsis thaliana. 4th Berlin Summer Meeting: “Computational & Experimental Molecular Biology Meet”, Berlin, Germany (2011)
Drewe, P.; Stegle, O.; Bohnert, R.; Borgwardt, K.; Rätsch, G.: Statistical tests for detecting differential RNA-transcript expression. 4th Berlin Summer Meeting: “Computational & Experimental Molecular Biology Meet”, Berlin, Germany (2011)
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