Publikationen von P Drewe

Poster (9)

Steffen, J.; Behr, J.; Drewe, P.; Hillebrand, K.; Kover, P.; Lyngsoe, R.; Mott, R.; Osborne, E.; Rätsch, G.; Schultheiss, S. et al.; Sreedharan, V.; Stegle, O.; Toomajin, C.; Xiangchao, G.; Clark, R.: Extensive Genomic and Transcriptomic Variation in the 19 Founders of the Arabidopsis MAGIC Lines. 22nd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2011), Madison, WI, USA (2011)
Stegle, O.; Drewe, P.; Bohnert, R.; Borgwardt, K.; Rätsch, G.: Statistical Tests for Detecting Differential RNA-Transcript Expression from Read Counts. Joint Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/Wellcome Trust Conference: Genome Informatics, Hinxton, UK (2010)
Drewe, P.; Stegle, O.; Bohnert, R.; Borgwardt, K.; Rätsch, G.: Statistical Tests for Detecting Differential RNA-Transcript Expression from Read Counts. 18th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2010), Boston, MA, USA (2010)
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