Publications of P Ekblom

Journal Article (30)

Journal Article
Klein, G.; Langegger, M.; Goridis, C.; Ekblom, P.: Neural cell adhesion molecules during embryonic induction and development of the kidney. Development 102 (4), pp. 749 - 761 (1988)
Journal Article
Risau, W.; Sariola, H.; Zerwes, H.-G.; Sasse, J.; Ekblom, P.; Kemler, R.; Doetschman, T.: Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis in embryonic-stem-cell-derived embryoid bodies. Development 102 (3), pp. 471 - 478 (1988)
Journal Article
Aufderheide, E.; Chiquet-Ehrismann, R.; Ekblom, P.: Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in the developing kidney lead to expression of tenascin in the mesenchyme. The Journal of Cell Biology 105 (1), pp. 599 - 608 (1987)
Journal Article
Risau, W.; Ekblom, P.: Production of a heparin-binding angiogenesis factor by the embryonic kidney. The Journal of Cell Biology 103 (3), pp. 1101 - 1107 (1986)
Journal Article
Ekblom, P.; Vestweber, D.; Kemler, R.: Cell-matrix interactions and cell adhesion during development. Annual Review of Cell Biology 2, pp. 27 - 47 (1986)
Journal Article
Risau, W.; Ekblom, P.: Growth factors and the embryonic kidney. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 226, pp. 147 - 156 (1986)
Journal Article
Landschulz, W.; Ekblom, P.: Iron delivery during proliferation and differentiation of kidney tubules. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 260 (29), pp. 15580 - 15584 (1985)
Journal Article
Vestweber, D.; Kemler, R.; Ekblom, P.: Cell-adhesion molecule uvomorulin during kidney development. Developmental Biology 112 (1), pp. 213 - 221 (1985)
Journal Article
Ekblom, P.; Thesleff, I.: Control of kidney differentiation by soluble factors secreted by the embryonic liver and the yolk sac. Developmental Biology 110 (1), pp. 29 - 38 (1985)
Journal Article
Sariola, H.; Kuusela, P.; Ekblom, P.: Cellular origin of fibronectin in interspecies hybrid kidneys. The Journal of Cell Biology 99 (6), pp. 2099 - 2107 (1984)

Conference Paper (3)

Conference Paper
Ekblom, P.; Weller, A.: Ontogeny of tubulointerstitial cells. Symposium on the Cell Biology of the Tubulointerstitium. Kidney International 39 (3), pp. 394 - 400 (1991)
Conference Paper
Klein, G.; Ekblom, P.: Extracellular matrix composition during kidney development. International Meeting on Recent Advances in Hereditary Nephritis 1989, Vimercate, Italy, 1989-07. Contributions to Nephrology 80, pp. 17 - 31 (1990)
Conference Paper
Ekblom, P.; Aufderheide, E.; Klein, G.; Kurz, A.; Weller, A.: Cell interactions during kidney development. In: Mesenchymal-Epithelial Interactions in Neural Development, pp. 101 - 110 (Eds. Wolff, J.; Sievers, J.; Berry, M.). NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Mesenchymal-Epithelial Interactions in Neural Development, West-Berlin, Germany, March 17, 1986 - March 21, 1986. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1987)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Weller, A.; Beck, S.; Ekblom, P.: Tenascin: cDNA cloning and differential expression during organogenesis. In Cell Differentiation and Development, 27 (Supplement 1), S54, p. 173. International Symposium on Biology . Elsevier, Limerick, Ireland (1989)
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