Publications of M Langegger

Journal Article (8)

Journal Article
Heinrich, S.; Sewart, K.; Windecker, H.; Langegger, M.; Schmidt, N.; Hustedt, N.; Hauf, S.: Mad1 contribution to spindle assembly checkpoint signalling goes beyond presenting Mad2 at kinetochores. EMBO Reports 15 (3), pp. 291 - 298 (2014)
Journal Article
Windecker, H.; Langegger, M.; Heinrich, S.; Hauf, S.: Bub1 and Bub3 promote the conversion from monopolar to bipolar chromosome attachment independently of shugoshin. EMBO Reports 10 (9), pp. 1022 - 1028 (2009)
Journal Article
Koch, I.; Schwarz, H.; Beuchle, D.; Goellner, B.; Langegger, M.; Aberle, H.: Drosophila ankyrin 2 is required for synaptic stability. Neuron 58 (2), pp. 210 - 222 (2008)
Journal Article
Hauf, S.; Biswas, A.; Langegger, M.; Kawashima, S.; Tsukahara, T.; Watanabe, Y.: Aurora controls sister kinetochore mono-orientation and homolog bi-orientation in meiosis-I. The EMBO Journal 26 (21), pp. 4475 - 4486 (2007)
Journal Article
Beuchle, D.; Schwarz, H.; Langegger, M.; Koch, I.; Aberle, H.: Drosophila MICAL regulates myofilament organization and synaptic structure. Mechanisms of Development 124 (5), pp. 390 - 406 (2007)
Journal Article
Kawashima, S.; Tsukahara, T.; Langegger, M.; Hauf, S.; Kitajima, T.; Watanabe, Y.: Shugoshin enables tension-generating attachment of kinetochores by loading Aurora to centromeres. Genes and Development 21 (4), pp. 420 - 435 (2007)
Journal Article
Klein, G.; Langegger, M.; Timpl, R.; Ekblom, M.: Role of laminin A chain in the development of epithelial cell polarity. Cell 55 (2), pp. 331 - 341 (1988)
Journal Article
Klein, G.; Langegger, M.; Goridis, C.; Ekblom, P.: Neural cell adhesion molecules during embryonic induction and development of the kidney. Development 102 (4), pp. 749 - 761 (1988)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Marcon, L.; Raspopovic, J.; Langegger, M.; Müller, P.: A Bi-Stable Reaction-Diffusion Mechanism for Size-Independent Symmetry Breaking of Mouse Embryoid Bodies. In European Developmental Biology Congress (EDBC 2019), S 5-S T, p. 67. European Developmental Biology Congress (EDBC 2019), Alicante, Spain, October 23, 2019 - October 26, 2019. (2019)

Poster (3)

Nehlsen, M.; Langegger, M.; Ayroles, J.; Stern, D.; Pallares, L.: Diet reveals tissue-specific gene expression of an uncharacterized gene in Drosophila melanogaster. Allied Genetics Conference (TAGC 2024), Washington, DC, USA (2024)
Sewart, K.; Schmidt, N.; Heinrich, S.; Langegger, M.; Hauf, S.: Mad1 and Bub1: more than kinetochore recruitment factors in the spindle assembly checkpoint. 2014 ASCB/IFCB Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA (2014)
Sewart, K.; Schmidt, N.; Heinrich, S.; Langegger, M.; Hauf, S.: Elucidating the roles of Mad1 and Bub1 in the spindle assembly checkpoint. 52nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB 2013), New Orleans, LA, USA (2013)
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