Publications of H Windecker

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Heinrich, S.; Sewart, K.; Windecker, H.; Langegger, M.; Schmidt, N.; Hustedt, N.; Hauf, S.: Mad1 contribution to spindle assembly checkpoint signalling goes beyond presenting Mad2 at kinetochores. EMBO Reports 15 (3), pp. 291 - 298 (2014)
Journal Article
Heinrich, S.; Windecker, H.; Hustedt, N.; Hauf, S.: Mph1 kinetochore localization is crucial and upstream in the hierarchy of spindle assembly checkpoint protein recruitment to kinetochores. Journal of Cell Science 125 (20), pp. 4720 - 4727 (2012)
Journal Article
Windecker, H.; Langegger, M.; Heinrich, S.; Hauf, S.: Bub1 and Bub3 promote the conversion from monopolar to bipolar chromosome attachment independently of shugoshin. EMBO Reports 10 (9), pp. 1022 - 1028 (2009)
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