Publications of A Bläßle

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Almuedo-Castillo, M.; Bläßle, A.; Mörsdorf, D.; Marcon, L.; Soh, G.; Rogers, K.; Schier, A.; Müller, P.: Scale-invariant patterning by size-dependent inhibition of Nodal signalling. Nature Cell Biology 20 (9), pp. 1032 - 1042 (2018)
Journal Article
Bläßle, A.; Soh, G.; Braun, T.; Mörsdorf, D.; Preiß, H.; Jordan, B.; Müller, P.: Quantitative diffusion measurements using the open-source software PyFRAP. Nature Communications 9 (1), 1582 (2018)
Journal Article
Pomreinke, A.; Soh, G.; Rogers, K.; Bergmann, J.; Bläßle, A.; Müller, P.: Dynamics of BMP signaling and distribution during zebrafish dorsal-ventral patterning. eLife 6, e25861 (2017)
Journal Article
Bläßle, A.; Müller, P.: PyFDAP: automated analysis of fluorescence decay after photoconversion (FDAP) experiments. Bioinformatics 31 (6), pp. 972 - 974 (2015)
Journal Article
Rogers, K.; Blässle, A.; Schier, A.; Müller, P.: Measuring protein stability in living zebrafish embryos using fluorescence decay after photoconversion (FDAP). Journal of Visualized Experiments 2015 (95), 52266 (2015)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Bläßle, A.; Müller, P.; Jordan, B.: PyFRAP: An open-source software package for FRAP analysis. In 11th International Conference on Zebrafish Development and Genetics, 38, p. 13. 11th International Conference on Zebrafish Development and Genetics, Madison, WI, USA, June 24, 2014 - June 28, 2014. (2014)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Blässle, A.: A systems biology approach to axis formation during early zebrafish embryogenesis: from biophysical measurements to model inference. Dissertation, Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany (2018)
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