Publikationen von C Widmer
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (5)
15 (11), S. 1328 - 1339 (2013)
Determinants of robustness in spindle assembly checkpoint signalling. Nature Cell Biology 2.
21 (2), S. 325 - 341 (2011)
A spatial and temporal map of C. elegans gene expression. Genome Research 3.
11, S. 1799 - 1802 (2010)
The SHOGUN Machine Learning Toolbox. Journal of Machine Learning Research 4.
58 (6), S. 1068 - 1082 (2009)
Stress-induced changes in the Arabidopsis thaliana transcriptome analyzed using whole-genome tiling arrays. The Plant Journal 5.
9 (7), R112 (2008)
At-TAX: A Whole Genome Tiling Array Resource for Developmental Expression Analysis and Transcript Identification in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genome Biology Konferenzbeitrag (9)
Efficient Training of Graph-Regularized Multitask SVMs. In: Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases European Conference, ECML PKDD 2012, S. 633 - 647 (Hg. Flach, P.; De Bie, T.; Cristianini, N.). European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2012), Bristol, UK, 24. September 2012 - 28. September 2012. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2012)
Hierarchical Multitask Structured Output Learning for Large-scale Sequence Segmentation. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24, S. 2690 - 2698 (Hg. Shawe-Taylor, J.; Zemel, R.; Bartlett, P.; Pereira , F.; Weinberger, K.). 25th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2011), Granada, Spain, 12. Dezember 2011 - 14. Dezember 2011. Curran, Red Hook, NY, USA (2012)
Multitask Learning in Computational Biology. In: ICML 2011 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Workshop, S. 207 - 216 (Hg. Silver, D.; Guyon, I.; Taylor, G.; Dror, G.; Lemaire, V.). ICML 2011 Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Workshop, Bellevue, WA, USA, 02. Juli 2011. Curran, Red Hook, NY, USA (2012)
Multitask Multiple Kernel Learning (MT-MKL). In: NIPS 2010 Workshop: New Directions in Multiple Kernel Learning. NIPS 2010 Workshop: New Directions in Multiple Kernel Learning, Vancouver, Canada, 11. Dezember 2010. (2010)
11 (Supplement 8), S7, (2010)
Exploiting physico-chemical properties in string kernels. NIPS Workshop on Machine Learning in Computational Biology (MLCB 2019), Whistler, BC, Canada, 10. Dezember 2009 - 11. Dezember 2009. BMC Bioinformatics 11.
11 (Supplement 8), S5, (2010)
Inferring latent task structure for Multitask Learning by Multiple Kernel Learning. NIPS Workshop on Machine Learning in Computational Biology (MLCB 2019), Whistler, BC, Canada, 10. Dezember 2009 - 11. Dezember 2009. BMC Bioinformatics 12.
Novel Machine Learning Methods for MHC Class I Binding Prediction. In: PRIB 2010: Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics, S. 98 - 109 (Hg. Dijkstra, T.; Tsivtsivadze, E.; Marchiori, E.; Heskes, T.). 5th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics (PRIB 2010), Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 22. September 2010 - 24. September 2010. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2010)
Leveraging Sequence Classification by Taxonomy-Based Multitask Learning. In: RECOMB 2010: Research in Computational Molecular Biology, S. 522 - 534 (Hg. Berger, B.). 14th International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 2010), Lisboa, Portugal, 25. April 2010 - 28. April 2010. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2010)
An Empirical Analysis of Domain Adaptation Algorithms for Genomic Sequence Analysis. In: Advances in neural information processing systems 21, S. 1433 - 1440 (Hg. Koller, D.; Schuurmans, D.; Bengio, Y.; Bottou, L.). Twenty-Second Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2008), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 08. Dezember 2008 - 10. Dezember 2008. Curran, Red Hook, NY, USA (2009)
Meeting Abstract (3)
Meeting Abstract
Determinants for robustness in spindle assembly checkpoint signaling. In EMBO Conference on Fission Yeast: pombe 2013: 7th International Fission Yeast Meeting, Talk 59, S. 85. EMBO Conference on Fission Yeast: pombe 2013: 7th International Fission Yeast Meeting, London, UK, 24. Juni 2013 - 29. Juni 2013. (2013)
Meeting Abstract
SHOGUN: A Large Scale Machine Learning Toolbox. In The R User Conference 2010, useR! 2010, S. 154. International R User Conference (useR! 2010), Gaithersburg, MD, USA, 21. Juli 2010 - 23. Juli 2010. (2010)
Meeting Abstract
mGene: A Novel Discriminative Gene Finding System. In 4th ISCB Student Council Symposium at the 16th Annual International Conference Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2008), S. 20. 4th ISCB Student Council Symposium at the 16th Annual International Conference Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2008), Toronto, Canada, 19. Juli 2008 - 23. Juli 2008. (2008)
Poster (1)
Determinants for robustness in spindle assembly checkpoint signaling. 52nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB 2013), New Orleans, LA, USA (2013)