Publikationen von YF Chan

Zeitschriftenartikel (31)

Hooper, D.; McDiarmid, C.; Powers, M.; Justyn, N.; Kučka, M.; Hart, N.; Hill, G.; Andolfatto, P.; Chan, Y.; Griffith, S.: Spread of yellow-bill-color alleles favored by selection in the long-tailed finch hybrid system. Current Biology 34 (23), S. 5444 - 5456 (2024)
Kucka, M.; Chan, Y.: Preparation of Linked-Read Sequencing Libraries using Haplotagging beads. Springer Protocols (2024)
Orteu, A.; Kucka, M.; Gordon, I.; Ng'iru, I.; van der Heijden, E.; Talavera, G.; Warren, I.; Collins, S.; Ffrench-Constant, R.; Martins, D. et al.; Chan, Y.; Jiggins, C.; Martin, S.: Transposable element insertions are associated with Batesian mimicry in the pantropical butterfly Hypolimnas misippus. Molecular Biology and Evolution 41 (3), msae041 (2024)
Shipilina, D.; Stankowski, S.; Pal, A.; Chan, Y.; Barton, N.: On the origin and structure of haplotype blocks. Molecular Ecology 32 (6), S. 1441 - 1457 (2023)
Jones, L.; Lou, R.; Murray, C.; Robert, D.; Bourne, C.; Bouchard, C.; Kučka, M.; Chan, Y.; Carlon, D.; Wiley, D. et al.; Therkildsen, N.; Baumann, H.: Two distinct population clusters of northern sand lance (Ammodytes dubius) on the northwest Atlantic shelf revealed by whole genome sequencing. ICES Journal of Marine Science 80 (1), fsac217, S. 122 - 132 (2023)
Martin Cerezo, M.; Raval, R.; de Haro Reyes, B.; Kucka, M.; Chan, Y.; Bryk, J.: Identification and quantification of chimeric sequencing reads in a highly multiplexed RAD-seq protocol. Molecular Ecology Resources 22 (8), S. 2860 - 2870 (2022)
Montejo-Kovacevich, G.; Meier, J.; Bacquet, C.; Warren, I.; Chan, Y.; Kucka, M.; Salazar, C.; Rueda, N.; Montgomery, S.; McMillan, W. et al.; Kozak, K.; Nadeau, N.; Martin, S.; Jiggins, C.: Repeated genetic adaptation to high altitude in two tropical butterflies. Nature Communications 13, 4676 (2022)
Montejo-Kovacevich, G.; Salazar, P.; Smith, S.; Gavilanes, K.; Bacquet , C.; Chan, Y.; Jiggins, C.; Meier, J.; Nadeau, N.: Genomics of altitude-associated wing shape in two tropical butterflies. Molecular Ecology 30 (23), S. 6387 - 6402 (2021)
Song, J.; Grant, R.; Behrens, V.; Kučka, M.; Kingman, G.; Soltys, V.; Chan, Y.; Kingsley , D.: Genetic studies of human-chimpanzee divergence using stem cell fusions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (51), e2117557118 (2021)
Davies, R.; Kucka, M.; Su, D.; Shi, S.; Flanagan, M.; Cunniff, C.; Chan, Y.; Myers, S.: Rapid genotype imputation from sequence with reference panels. Nature Genetics 53 (7), S. 1104 - 1111 (2021)
Meier, J.; Salazar, P.; Kučka, M.; Davies, R.; Dréau, A.; Aldás, I.; Power, O.; Nadeau, N.; Bridle, J.; Rolian , C. et al.; Barton, N.; McMillan, W.; Jiggins, C.; Chan, Y.: Haplotype tagging reveals parallel formation of hybrid races in two butterfly species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (25), e2015005118 (2021)
Wilches, R.; Beluch, W.; McConnell, E.; Tautz, D.; Chan, Y.: Independent evolution toward larger body size in the distinctive Faroe Island mice. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 11 (1), jkaa051 (2021)
Hillis, D.; Yadgary, L.; Weinstock, G.; Pardo-Manuel de Villena, F.; Pomp, D.; Fowler, A.; Xu, S.; Chan, F.; Garland, T.: Genetic Basis of Aerobically Supported Voluntary Exercise: Results from a Selection Experiment with House Mice. Genetics 216 (3), S. 781 - 804 (2020)
Martin Cerezo, M.; Kucka, M.; Zub, K.; Chan, Y.; Bryk, J.: Population structure of Apodemus flavicollis and comparison to Apodemus sylvaticus in northern Poland based on RAD-seq. BMC Genomics 21 (1), 241 (2020)
Byers, K.; Darragh, K.; Musgrove, J.; Abondano Almeida, D.; Garza, S.; Warren, I.; Rastas, P.; Kučka, M.; Chan, Y.; Merrill, R. et al.; Schulz, S.; McMillan, W.; Jiggins, C.: A major locus controls a biologically active pheromone component in Heliconius melpomene. Evolution: international journal of organic evolution 74 (2), S. 349 - 364 (2020)
Lustyk, D.; Kinský, S.; Ullrich, K.; Yancoskie, M.; Kasíková, L.; Gergelits, V.; Sedlácek, R.; Chan, Y.; Odenthal-Hesse, L.; Forejt, J. et al.; Jansa, P.: Genomic structure of Hstx2 modifier of Prdm9-dependent hybrid male sterility in mice. Genetics 213 (3), S. 1047 - 1063 (2019)
Castro, J.; Yancoskie, M.; Marchini, M.; Belohlavy, S.; Hiramatsu, L.; Kučka, M.; Beluch, W.; Naumann, R.; Skuplik, I.; Cobb, J. et al.; Barton, N.; Rolian, C.; Chan, Y.: An integrative genomic analysis of the Longshanks selection experiment for longer limbs in mice. eLife 8, e42014 (2019)
Zhou, S.; Fu, X.; Pei, P.; Kucka, M.; Liu, J.; Tang, L.; Zhan, T.; He, S.; Chan, Y.; Rödelsperger, C. et al.; Liu, D.; Streit, A.: Characterization of a non-sexual population of Strongyloides stercoralis with hybrid 18S rDNA haplotypes in Guangxi, Southern China. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 13 (5), e0007396 (2019)
Thompson, A.; Capellini, T.; Guenther, C.; Chan, Y.; Infante, C.; Menke, D.; Kingsley , D.: A novel enhancer near the Pitx1 gene influences development and evolution of pelvic appendages in vertebrates. eLife 7, e38555 (2018)
Lazzarano, S.; Kučka, M.; Castro, J.; Naumann, R.; Medina, P.; Fletcher, M.; Wombacher, R.; Gribnau, J.; Hochepied, T.; Van Montagu, M. et al.; Libert, C.; Chan, Y.: Genetic mapping of species differences via “in vitro crosses” in mouse embryonic stem cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 14 (115), S. 3680 - 3685 (2018)
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