Publikationen von M Kučka

Meeting Abstract (11)

Meeting Abstract
Liu, Z.; Zuellig, M.; Chan, Y.; Kučka, M.; Saladin, V.; Peichel, C.: The fourspine stickleback (Apeltes quadracus) has an XY sex chromosome system with polymorphic inversions on both X and Y chromosomes. In Swiss Conference on Organismal Biology: Biology 23, S. 50. Swiss Conference on Organismal Biology: Biology 23, Geneva, Switzerland, 16. Februar 2023 - 17. Februar 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Peters, M.; Soltys, V.; Kucka, M.; Chan, Y.: CITR-Seq: A Robust Method to Generate Paired T Cell Receptor Repertoires in Mice. In 2023 Meeting on Systems Immunology, S. 136. 2023 Meeting on Systems Immunology, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA, 18. April 2023 - 23. April 2023. (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Hiramatsu, L.; Belohlavy, S.; Kučka, M.; Rolian, C.; Barton, N.; Chan, Y.: Tracking allele trajectories over 20 generations of selection for long limbs in mice. In SMBE 2019, SMBE-OR-196, S. 82. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Conference 2019 (SMBE 2019), Manchester, UK, 21. Juli 2019 - 25. Juli 2019. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Castro, J.; Yancoskie, M.; Marchini, M.; Belohlavy, S.; Kucka, M.; Beluch, W.; Naumann, R.; Skuplik, I.; Cobb, J.; Barton, N. et al.; Rolian, C.; Chan, Y.: The genomic and molecular basis of rapid and polygenic response to selection for long leg length in mice. In Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference (PEQG 2018), 318M, S. 121. 2018 Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference (PEQG 2018), Madison, WI, USA, 13. Mai 2018 - 16. Mai 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Hiramatsu, L.; Belohlavy, S.; Kučka, M.; Barton, N.; Rolian, C.; Chan, Y.: Tracking signatures of response over 20 generations of selection for long leg length in mice. In Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference (PEQG 2018), 341T, S. 129 - 130. 2018 Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference (PEQG 2018), Madison, WI, USA, 13. Mai 2018 - 16. Mai 2018. (2018)

Poster (4)

Molinier, C.; Reynes, L.; Chan, Y.; Kucka, M.; Coudret, J.; Haas, F.; Luthringer, R.; Coelho, S.; Valero, M.; Lipinska, A.: Mitochondrial genomes and comparative population analyses shed light on hybridization and speciation in Ectocarpus species. Population Genetics Group 57 (PopGroup57), St. Andrews, Scotland (2024)
Evseeva, D.; Pecrix, Y.; Poussier, S.; Wicker, E.; Kucka, M.; Chan, Y.; McCann, H.: Emergence and Evolution of a Novel Lineage of Ralstonia Solanacearum with Expanded Host Range. 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP 2023), Lyon, France (2023)
Chan, F.; Peters, M.; Soltys, V.; Hirschberg, I.; Kucka, M.: Allelic bias and genetic mapping of differentiation potential revealed by single-cell transcriptomics in recombinant hybrid mouse embryonic stem cells. 6th International Conference of Quantitative Genetics (ICQG 2020) (2020)
Marchini, M.; Kucka, M.; Beluch, W.; Chan, Y.; Rolian, C.: A novel osteochondrodysplasia‐like phenotype in mice. 14th International Limb Development and Regeneration Conference 2017, Edinburgh, UK (2017)

Patent (1)

Chan, Y.; Dreau, A.; Kucka, M.: Haplotagging: haplotype phasing and single-tube combinatorial barcoding of nucleic acid molecules using bead-immobilized Tn5 transposase. AU2020220461A1 (2021)

Preprint (6)

Blumer, L.; Burskaia, V.; Artiushin, I.; Saha, J.; Camacho Garcia, J.; Elkin, J.; Fischer, B.; Zhou, C.; Gresham, S.; Malinsky, M. et al.; Linderoth, T.; Sawasawa, W.; Bista, I.; Hickey, A.; Kucka, M.; Louzada, S.; Zatha, R.; Yang, F.; Rusuwa, B.; Santos, M.; Chan, Y.; Joyce, D.; Böhne, A.; Miska, E.; Ngochera, M.; Turner, G.; Durbin, R.; Svardal, H.: Introgression dynamics of sex-linked chromosomal inversions shape the Malawi cichlid adaptive radiation. (eingereicht)
Evseeva, D.; Pecrix, Y.; Kucka, M.; Weiler, C.; Franzl, C.; Vlková-Žlebková, M.; Colombi, E.; Chan, Y.; Poussier, S.; Wicker, E. et al.; McCann, H.: Emergence and host range expansion of an epidemic lineage of Ralstonia solanacearum. (eingereicht)
Soltys, V.; Peters, M.; Su, D.; Kučka, M.; Chan, Y.: Flexible and high-throughput simultaneous profiling of gene expression and chromatin accessibility in single cells. (eingereicht)
Liu, Z.; Herbert, A.; Chan, Y.; Kučka, M.; Kingsley, D.; Peichel, C.: The fourspine stickleback (Apeltes quadracus) has an XY sex chromosome system with polymorphic inversions on both X and Y chromosomes. (eingereicht)
Peters, M.; Soltys, V.; Su, D.; Kučka, M.; Chan, Y.: Genetic determinants of distinct CD8+ α/β-TCR repertoires in the genus Mus. (eingereicht)
Hooper, D.; McDiarmid, C.; Powers, M.; Justyn, N.; Kučka, M.; Hart, N.; Hill, G.; Andolfatto, P.; Chan, Y.; Griffith, S.: Diversifying selection and adaptive introgression of carotenoid-processing genes underlie the evolution of bill color in the long-tailed finch. (eingereicht)
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