Publikationen von FA Anderer
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Zeitschriftenartikel (91)
66 (1), S. 87 - 91 (1980)
Non-enzymatic cleavage of serum albumin from horse (Equus caballus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 82.
37 (1), S. 25 - 32 (1979)
An approach to the routine estimation of circulating carcinoembryonic antigen immune complexes in patients with carcinomata of the gastrointestinal tract. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 83.
87 (3), S. 757 - 763 (1979)
A GTP-specific protein kinase in plasma membranes of mouse fibroblasts. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 84.
35 (2), S. 190 - 195 (1979)
Circulating carcinoembryonic antigen immune complexes in sera of patients with carcinomata of the gastrointestinal tract. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 85.
84 (3), S. 660 - 666 (1978)
Short-time phosphorylation of plasma membrane proteins by endogenous kinases. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 86.
38 (4), S. 496 - 502 (1978)
Chemical modification and immunogenicity of membrane fractions from mouse tumour cells. British Journal of Cancer 87.
136 (3), S. 322 - 327 (1978)
Slope analysis of the postoperative CEA time course and its possible application as an aid in diagnosis of disease progression in gastrointestinal cancer. The American Journal of Surgery 88.
10 (3), S. 273 - 282 (1978)
Carcinoembryonic antigen follow-up and selection of patients for second-look operation in management of gastrointestinal carcinoma. Journal of Surgical Oncology 89.
102 (30), S. 1082 - 1086 (1977)
Carcinoembryonales Antigen (CEA): Klinische Wertung der Rezidivierungs- und Metastasierungsprognosen mittels CEA-Verlaufsanalyse bei Patienten mit Adenokarzinomen des GastrointestinaltraktesCarcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 90.
61 (2), S. 189 - 191 (1976)
Base exchange reactions studied on the level of CDP-activated precursors of phospholipids in a cell-free system derived from mouse fibroblasts. FEBS Letters 91.
5 (4), S. 315 - 326 (1975)
The amino acid sequence of myoglobin from skeletal muscles of red deer (Cervus elaphus). Journal of Molecular Evolution: the Journal of the International Society of Molecular Evolution Konferenzbeitrag (2)
Tumormarker beim Mammakarzinom: Verlaufsbeobachtung, Therapiekontrolle und Prognose. In: Tumormarker: Aktuelle Aspekte und klinische Relevanz, S. 174 - 181 (Hg. Wüst, G.). Tumormarker-Symposium, Münster, Germany, 29. November 1985 - 30. November 1985. Steinkopff, Heidelberg, Germany (1987)
Ein Klinisches Krebsregister als Basis für Nachsorge und Statistische Auswertung: ein Erfahrungsbericht. In: Nachsorge und Krankheitsverlaufsanalyse: 25. Jahrestagung der GMDS. Nachsorge und Krankheitsverlaufsanalyse: 25. Jahrestagung der GMDS , Erlangen, Germany, 15. September 1980 - 17. September 1980. (1981)