Publikationen von W Busch

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Schultheiss, S.; Busch, W.; Lohmann, J.; Kohlbacher, O.; Rätsch, G.: KIRMES: kernel-based identification of regulatory modules in euchromatic sequences. Bioinformatics 25 (16), S. 2126 - 2133 (2009)
Laubinger, S.; Sachsenberg, T.; Zeller, G.; Busch, W.; Lohmann, J.; Rätsch, G.; Weigel, D.: Dual roles of the nuclear cap-binding complex and SERRATE in pre-mRNA splicing and microRNA processing in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105 (25), S. 8795 - 8800 (2008)
Andersen, S.; Buechel, S.; Zhao, Z.; Ljung, K.; Novák, O.; Busch, W.; Schuster, C.; Lohmann, J.: Requirement of B2-type cyclin-dependent kinases for meristem integrity in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 20 (1), S. 88 - 100 (2008)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Schultheiss, S.; Busch, W.; Lohmann, J.; Kohlbacher, O.; Rätsch, G.: KIRMES: Kernel-based Identification of Regulatory Modules in Euchromatic Sequences. In: German Conference on Bioinformatics: GCB 2008, S. 158 - 167 (Hg. Beyer, A.; Schroeder, M.). German Conference on Bioinformatics 2008 (GCB 2008), Dresden, Germany, 09. September 2008 - 12. September 2008. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, Germany (2008)

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Schultheiss, S.; Busch, W.; Lohmann, J.; Kohlbacher, O.; Rätsch, G.: KIRMES: kernel-based identification of regulatory modules in euchromatic sequences. In BMC Bioinformatics, 10 (Supplement 13), O1. 5th International Society for Computational Biology Student Council (ISCB 2009), Stockholm, Sweden, 27. Juni 2009. BioMed Central (2009)
Meeting Abstract
Schultheiss, S.; Busch, W.; Lohmann, J.; Kohlbacher, O.; Rätsch, G.: KIRMES: Kernel-based Identification of Regulatory Modules in Euchromatic Sequences. In 4th International Society for Computational Biology Student Council Symposium, 38, S. 22. Fourth International Society for Computational Biology Student Council Symposium (ISCB 2008) , Toronto, Canada, 18. Juli 2008. (2008)

Poster (1)

Laubinger, S.; Sachsenberg, T.; Zeller, G.; Busch, W.; Lohmann, J.; Rätsch, G.; Weigel, D.: Dual roles of the nuclear cap-binding complex and SERRATE in pre-mRNA splicing and microRNA processing in Arabidopsis thaliana. 19th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2008), Montreal, Canada (2008)
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