Publikationen von EA Mueller
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Zeitschriftenartikel (5)
32 (4), S. 221 - 227 (1990)
A Viscum album oligosaccharide activating human natural cytotoxicity is an interferon gamma inducer. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 2.
50 (12), S. 3646 - 3651 (1990)
Synergistic Action of a Plant Rhamnogalacturonan Enhancing Antitumor Cytotoxicity of Human Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated Killer Cells: Chemical Specificity of Target Cell Recognition. Cancer Research 3.
129 (2), S. 165 - 173 (1990)
Preservation of cytotoxic function during multi-cycle immunomagnetic cell separations of human NK cells using a new type of magnetic bead. Journal of Immunological Methods 4.
19 (1), S. 69 - 77 (1990)
Chemical specificity of effector cell/tumor cell bridging by a Viscum album rhamnogalacturonan enhancing cytotoxicity of human NK cells. Immunopharmacology 5.
17 (1), S. 11 - 18 (1989)
Biochemical characterization of a component in extracts of Viscum album enhancing human NK cytotoxicity. Immunopharmacology