Publikationen von C Sieverding

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Silva Alves, N.; Astrinidis, S.; Eisenhardt, N.; Sieverding, C.; Redolfi, J.; Lorenz, M.; Weberruss, M.; Moreno-Andres, D.; Antonin, W.: MISTIC-fusion proteins as antigens for high quality membrane protein antibodies. Scientific Reports 7, 41519 (2017)
Vollmer, B.; Schooley, A.; Sachdev, R.; Eisenhardt, N.; Schneider, A.; Sieverding, C.; Madlung, R.; Gerken, U.; Macek, B.; Antonin, W.: Dimerization and direct membrane interaction of Nup53 contribute to nuclear pore complex assembly. EMBO Journal 31 (20), S. 4072 - 4084 (2012)
Sachdev, R.; Sieverding, C.; Flötenmeyer, M.; Antonin, W.: The C terminal domain of Nup93 is essential for assembly of the structural backbone of the nuclear pore complexes. Molecular Biology of the Cell 23 (4), S. 740 - 749 (2012)
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