Publikationen von S Astrinidis

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Altmannova, V.; Blaha, A.; Astrinidis, S.; Reichle, H.; Weir, J.: InteBac: An integrated bacterial and baculovirus expression vector suite. Protein Science 30 (1), S. 108 - 114 (2021)
Yokoyama, H.; Moreno-Andres, D.; Astrinidis, S.; Hao, Y.; Weberruss, M.; Schellhaus, A.; Lue, H.; Haramoto, Y.; Gruss, O.; Antonin, W.: Chromosome alignment maintenance requires the MAP RECQL4, mutated in the Rothmund-Thomson syndrome. Life science alliance 2 (1), e201800120 (2019)
Silva Alves, N.; Astrinidis, S.; Eisenhardt, N.; Sieverding, C.; Redolfi, J.; Lorenz, M.; Weberruss, M.; Moreno-Andres, D.; Antonin, W.: MISTIC-fusion proteins as antigens for high quality membrane protein antibodies. Scientific Reports 7, 41519 (2017)
Braun, D.; Sadowski, C.; Kohl, S.; Lovric, S.; Astrinidis, S.; Pabst, W.; Gee, H.; Ashraf, S.; Lawson, J.; Shril, S. et al.; Airik, M.; Tan, W.; Schapiro, D.; Rao, J.; Choi, W.-I.; Thermle, T.; Kemper, M.; Pohl, M.; Ozaltin, F.; Konrad, M.; Bogdanovic, R.; Büscher, R.; Helmchen, U.; Serdaroglu, E.; Lifton, R.; Antonin, W.; Hildebrandt, F.: Mutations in nuclear pore genes NUP93, NUP205 and XPO5 cause steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. Nature Genetics 48 (4), S. 457 - 465 (2016)
Vollmer, B.; Lorenz, M.; Moreno-Andrés, D.; Bodenhöfer, M.; De Magistris, P.; Astrinidis, S.; Schooley, A.; Flötenmeyer, M.; Leptihn, S.; Antonin, W.: Nup153 Recruits the Nup107-160 Complex to the Inner Nuclear Membrane for Interphasic Nuclear Pore Complex Assembly. Developmental Cell 33 (6), S. 717 - 728 (2015)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Braun, D.; Sadowski, C.; Kohl, S.; Lovric, S.; Astrinidis, S.; Ashraf, S.; Pabst, W.; Tan, W.; Lawson, J.; Airik, M. et al.; Lifton, R.; Gee, H.; Antonin, W.; Hildebrandt, F.: Defects of the Nuclear Pore Proteins NUP93, NUP205, or Exportin-5 Link Nephrotic Syndrome to Disrupted SMAD Signaling. In Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 26 (Supplement), FR-OR052, S. 45A. ASN Kidney Week 2015, San Diego, CA, USA , 03. November 2015 - 08. November 2015. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD (2015)
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